kyoto dreams
Thursday, August 18, 2005
  Talking out of both sides of your neck I hated Nick Cannon the first time I saw him. I can barely keep my Amy's Burrito Especial down when I see his bubble gum bullshit ass in a movie or on television, so I understand the natural, visceral revulsion that any sane person feels at the site of such a patently plastic, swimming in backstreet boys juice, made for tv personality. But I don't understand the recent hate being directed toward him because of his song, Can I Live. I smell bullshit.

His song, which I think most people would agree is pro-life, tells a story about a young woman who's pregnant and thinking of getting an abortion. It describes her feelings and is told from the perspective of the child/fetus/sperm bud/non-life/life/whatever inside of her who asks her the question, "Can I live?" The song is apparently about his mother who considered having an abortion when she was pregnant with young Nick.

A bunch of people are writing, and I assume saying, shit about how he's out of line and has no right to judge people. I won't go into how stupid it is to pretend to believe in someone's right to abort a child and at the same time claim that someone else doesn't have the right to judge them for it. That's simple bullshit.

The hate he's getting seems to be directed at him simply because he's voicing an unpopular popular culture opinion. That's ironic. I believe most of the people spewing the hate would defend, at least verbally and anonymously, his right to "tell his story" if "his story" involved smok'n weed, shanking niggas, and sticking his dick down some ho's throat. That'd be alright. That seems like bullshit. If it's ok to degrade yourself, your race, your family, your neighborhood, and women, then it's certainly alright to throw a couple of jabs at somebody whose choices you disagree with.

I'm pro choice, pro death penalty, pro euthanasia, pro viox, pro toxic shock syndrome, pro partially hydrogenated soybeen and/or cottonseed oil, pro jihad, and pro anything else that'll get another stupid motherfucker off this rock before me, but please be consistent. 
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